heyData Externer Datenschutzbeauftragter und Datenschutz-Plattform

Goodbye worries, heyData!

Compliance Made Easy, for Everyone!

Thanks to our all-in-one compliance solution, you can confidently and sustainably comply with GDPR requirements. We take care of your company - regardless of size or industry.

Join the over 15,000 employees who have been successfully data protection compliant for years!

Compliance as the key to your company's success


Winning customers and business partners

Compliance promotes trust and transparency, key elements for strong business relationships. Meticulous implementation of applicable regulations signals a sense of responsibility, increases competitiveness, and promotes long-term partnerships.


Prevent data breaches

Robust data protection guidelines are a must to avoid both reputational damage and hefty fines. Periodically auditing and adapting to current regulations will minimise the risk of data breaches.


Save effort and costs

The choice of a suitable data protection partner is crucial for efficient and smooth implementation. Compared to expensive law firms or the use of internal resources, this option offers effective data protection and saves costs as well as resources.

Our tailor-made solution

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Certified industry experts

Our clients are served by a team of Data Protection Officers (DPOs) consisting of experienced fully qualified lawyers who know their industry and its challenges inside out.

More about the external DPO
Datenschutz-Management für Unternehmen

All-in-one data protection management

With our automated data protection management system and integrations, we cover all data protection topics so you can focus on your core business and growth.

More about our All-in-one Compliance Solution

Comprehensive digital audit

Thanks to our end-to-end digital data protection audit, every company and department can easily identify potential data protection gaps and learn how best to protect the company continuously.

More about the data protection audit
DSGVO-Compliance-Schulungen für Mitarbeiter

Compliance employee training

Effective data protection within the company requires trained employees. Our data protection and compliance training provides relevant guidelines and is completed with a certification.

More about our trainings

Data protection compliance made easy

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Quick and always there for you

With us, your company will comply with data protection regulations in no time! We are personally available and competent for your needs.

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Simple and uncomplicated

Forget the complicated paperwork! Conveniently monitor your compliance digitally and integrate your processes into the heyData platform.

Kompetent Icon

Cost-efficient and professional

Thanks to specialised experts and standardised processes, we are the perfect partner by your side. This is how we offer you fair prices and individual packages without hidden costs.

Monitor compliance with data protection regulations simply and digitally

Request a quote!

Hear it From Our Customers

"heyData impressed us with their digital software solution and expertise. Like us, heyData is a digital pioneer in a rather traditional and less digital industry. heyData is a strong partner for the BRZ Group."

Markus Schobert

Head of Customer Service at BRZ Gruppe

"heyData is a great help for us and makes the topic of data protection really easy. We are very satisfied with the digital audit, the online training and the customer support."

Leonard von Kleist

CTO & Co-Founder at Hive Technologies GmbH

"I value this feature for its ability to simplify supplier risk assessment. It is an indispensable tool for anyone dealing with data compliance in the European Union and Switzerland."

Jan Stephan

Head of Legal Affairs at Learnship

"As a customer, we have only had good experiences with heyData's support and communication. Questions were answered in detail, responses were always prompt and personal 1-1 support is also no problem."

Roman Georgi

Director Of Customer Support at AMBOSS

"It is a flexible solution that could be ideally tailored to our needs. Now everything is always up to date in terms of data protection."


Sales at Frank GmbH

"We always receive competent and prompt advice from heyData and have so far been able to find a satisfactory solution to every question relating to the GDPR or data protection in general."


CTO at Instaffo GmbH

Our solutions in overview

The digital all-in-one compliance solution

Easily become data protection compliant with us!

Stay up to data - heyData Magazine

Partnership Spotlight: torq.people

Partnership Spotlight: torq.people

Welcome to our Partnership Spotlight section, where we introduce some of our outstanding partners – today’s spotlight is on the company torq.people.

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Big data, bigger responsibility: Data Protection

Big data, bigger responsibility: Data protection in the digital age

At a time when data plays an increasingly important role in businesses, it is more vital than ever to ensure that this data is collected and processed securely and responsibly. This is especially true in the age of Big Data, where companies are collecting, storing, and using more data than ever before.

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Einwilligungserklärung Muster heyData Magazin

Consent form templates: Here’s what you need to look out for

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has brought the topic of data protection into focus and caused many companies to review their data protection processes. An important aspect of this is the recording and management of declarations of consent from customers and employees.

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