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Balancing Data Protection and Growth: Advidera’s Strategy with heyData

Advidera & heyData

What It's About: A Success Story in Online Marketing

This customer success story demonstrates how Advidera, a leading online marketing agency, tackled its data protection and compliance challenges through its collaboration with heyData. Discover how heyData helped Advidera design its services legally and securely while fostering growth.

Advidera: An Innovative Pioneer in Online Marketing

Advidera represents growth – entrepreneurial, personal, and sustainable. As a co-pilot in online marketing, Advidera supports clients in SEA, SEO, social media marketing, and content creation with years of expertise. The team of 20 experts across Germany and Switzerland creates customized marketing strategies that lead to increased visibility and revenue.

Advidera operates as a 100% remote agency based in Cologne, mainly using digital communication to work flexibly and efficiently. This allows collaboration with experts from different regions and conducting training and meetings online.

Challenges: Data Protection in the Digital Age

In online marketing, data protection evolves rapidly, especially regarding tracking measures, video content, and AI tools. Advidera faced the challenge of ensuring that its marketing activities comply with the latest legal requirements while protecting user data. Commercial video content must not violate music rights, and AI-generated content must adhere to clear copyright regulations. Consent requirements and data protection policies must be constantly updated to remain legally compliant.


The online world creates new challenges every day, and without specialized support it is difficult to meet all legal requirements, especially in marketing. With a specialized team, Advidera can master these complex requirements and focus on communicating the company's values and offerings in the best possible way. This strengthens the relationship with customers and lays the foundation for sustainable success and innovation.

Solutions: Tailored Support by heyData

heyData provided Advidera with tailored solutions to address data protection and compliance challenges. Through regular audits of data protection policies and the website, Advidera can rely on being on the safe side.

“Compliance is made really easy here. The online training and the online contract work on home office regulations, etc., are really helpful for us. We can see directly who has completed their training and who hasn't.” 


Tobias Clement
CEO at Advidera

These continuous training sessions ensure that all employees know how to handle customer data, providing maximum security for both Advidera and its clients. The online training and flexible contract work on home office regulations have been particularly beneficial. There's always a clear overview of which employees have completed their training, and adjustments can be made as needed. Thanks to this tailored support, the team works more efficiently and securely today, significantly improving customer satisfaction and the company's competitiveness.

Results: Sustainable Success and Trust

Thanks to the collaboration with heyData, Advidera now stands on solid legal ground. From data processing agreements to technical and organizational measures (TOMs) to detailed employee training, Advidera is secured in all areas.

“Our customers can be sure that we deliver top performance not only in online marketing but also in data protection.”  


Tobias Clement
CEO at Advidera

Working with regulated industries such as banks, insurance companies, and financial service providers has highlighted the importance of legal security. With heyData's support, Advidera has established itself as a reliable partner in these niches, resulting in a significant increase in contract signings. Clients know that Advidera offers excellent online marketing and remains up-to-date with data protection laws.

The biggest success is that heyData's tailored solutions, support, and continuous training have helped Advidera work more efficiently and securely. This has greatly enhanced customer satisfaction and competitiveness. Thanks to heyData, Advidera has established itself as a reliable and data protection-compliant partner, securing long-term success and customer trust.

Future Outlook: Continuous Improvement and Expansion

Currently, Advidera is working on its annual audit, with ongoing support from heyData to ensure data protection remains up-to-date.

“Every year brings its own challenges. When we need to learn something new about data protection, heyData is there for us.” 


Tobias Clement
CEO at Advidera

The continuous collaboration with heyData offers Advidera potential for further improvements and new expansion projects in the future. When new laws or regulations are introduced, Advidera can rely on heyData to stay updated and ensure compliance. This provides Advidera with the necessary security to focus on its core competencies in online marketing, explore new markets, and offer innovative services.

Looking to the future is optimistic: Advidera is ready to explore new markets and offer innovative services, supported by heyData's tailored solutions and continuous support. This partnership not only secures long-term success and expansion but also strengthens customer trust by ensuring the highest data protection standards are always met.

Conclusion: A Partnership for the Future

The partnership between Advidera and heyData highlights the importance of competent support in data protection and compliance in the ever-changing online world. With heyData, Advidera can fully focus on its core competencies in online marketing while ensuring all legal requirements are met. This leads to sustainable growth and strengthens customer trust in the agency.

The collaboration with heyData has not only helped Advidera stay legally secure but also optimize its business model and explore new markets. Advidera looks forward to continuing this successful partnership and growing together.

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Advidera & heyData

Balancing Data Protection and Growth: Advidera’s Strategy with heyData

Advidera, a leading online marketing agency, successfully addressed its data protection and compliance challenges through collaboration with heyData. With tailored solutions and continuous training, heyData ensured that Advidera always meets the latest legal requirements while protecting customer data. This partnership has improved Advidera's efficiency and security, strengthened customer trust, and enabled sustainable growth.

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