
Simplifying Taxes with Digital Privacy: The wundertax Success Story

heyData & wundertax

Wundertax offers a smart and easily understandable online solution for filing tax returns. Whether you're an employee, self-employed, a student, or an expatriate, specialized tax tools cater to the needs of various professional groups efficiently.

Through a straightforward tax interview, this fintech assists its customers in handling taxes simply and swiftly while optimizing their tax refunds. The intuitive user interface makes tax filing a straightforward affair, without the need for tax forms or costly tax consulting.

The Challenge

Data privacy has been a top priority for wundertax from the very beginning. This applies to all collected data, from the first visit to the website to the submission of customers' tax returns. After all, a tax return contains a person's most sensitive data, including tax ID, religion, union membership, and income. Protecting and securing this data has been a focus of the company since its inception.

Even when it comes to data storage regulations and related deadlines, responsible handling of user data plays a significant role in the company's daily operations. All work processes must always meet the current data protection requirements, especially when it comes to customers' personal data in tax returns.

However, as the company's customer base grew, so did the volume of data to be managed, and customers' questions about data protection also increased. wundertax needed more resources for communication and sought a time-saving solution.

Data protection training and awareness of all employees are also essential to wundertax. As a user of the HR software Personio, wundertax looked for a data protection solution that ideally allows for technical integration with Personio. Since collaboration with third parties requires special attention to data protection, the company found the right solution in heyData.

As a startup dedicated to simplifying and digitizing tax-related matters, wundertax wished for an equally simple and digital solution that consolidates all data protection concerns.

The Solution

Through heyData, the online tax platform was able to implement a digital and cost-effective all-in-one software solution. This solution not only ensures that all relevant GDPR data is treated and stored appropriately but also enhances efficiency in company workflows through simplification and automation.

The expertise of heyData's lawyers ensures competent and solution-oriented advice for any compliance and data protection-related questions and challenges that may arise. Furthermore, the digital and easily accessible training materials, particularly those related to data protection regulations, assist in educating employees. The integration of heyData into Personio greatly simplifies individual access and use of online training for Wundertax employees, as well as the storage of necessary data protection declarations. All data protection-relevant documents are conveniently available online.

The Result

The ongoing monitoring of all relevant processes by heyData ensures that Wundertax always complies with the latest data protection requirements, allowing for the necessary flexibility in times of remote work and mobile work.

heyData's pragmatic data protection solution saves time and costs. This not only streamlines daily work processes but also enables effective and satisfactory communication with the growing number of customers. As a result, resources can once again be directed toward Wundertax's core mission: continuously optimizing and expanding its innovative tax solution.

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