6 reasons for an external data protection officer

Key findings
What are the benefits of an external data protection officer? Find out why this decision not only facilitates compliance but also brings valuable perspective and expertise to your organisation. It's not just about compliance, it's about strategically positioning your business in a digital world that takes data protection seriously.
In recent years, the number of companies that want to appoint a data protection officer (DPO) has increased. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) makes it mandatory for certain companies to appoint a DPO - but many companies choose to appoint one even if they are not legally required to do so. There are two ways to appoint a DPO - internally or externally. In this blog post, we will explore the advantages of appointing an external DPO over an internal DPO.
1. An external DPO can provide an objective perspective
An external data protection officer is not part of the company and has no vested interests in the company, unlike an internal DPO. This means that he/she can take an objective perspective on data protection policies and decisions. He/she is also less likely to be influenced by the plans of other departments.
2. An external DPO is impartial
An external DPO is not only objective, but also impartial. This means that he/she can make decisions based on what is best for data protection and not on what is best for other departments within the company.
3. An external DPO is independent
An external DPO is not employed by the company and is therefore not subject to any hierarchical structure within the organisation. This means that he/she can make decisions independently and is not beholden to anyone within the company.
4. An external DPO brings with him/her a wealth of experience and knowledge.
An external DPO is likely to have worked with a variety of different companies and industries and therefore has a wealth of experience and knowledge that he/she can bring to the company's data protection strategy.
5. An external DPO can provide valuable insights into best practices
An external DPO is always up to date with data protection laws and best practices because of their work with other companies. They can provide valuable insights on what steps the company should take to comply with the GDPR and other data protection laws.
6. An external DPO can be more cost-efficient
This is especially true for small and medium-sized businesses. When you outsource the function, you only pay for the services you need and don't have to worry about the costs associated with hiring a full-time internal DPO (e.g. salary, benefits, etc.). Also, don't forget the time your employee would have to spend on data protection - having an external DPO leaves more capacity for other important tasks in your day-to-day business.
Appointing an external DPO offers several advantages over an internal DPO, including objectivity, impartiality, independence, experience, and insight into best practices. If your organisation is considering the appointment of a DPO, you should strongly consider appointing an external candidate.