
Product news: mattersOut from heyData

Product news: mattersOut: whistleblowing tool from heyData

heyData's journey continues: We are very happy to present our new product, mattersOut!

Our whistleblowing software is just one of the ways we aim to expand our offerings in the compliance realm, providing you with a solution that is simple, yet highly reliable. In this article, we delve into the importance of implementing a whistleblowing solution for your company and how our team of compliance experts at heyData can assist you with MattersOut.

Handling grievances

‍One of your company's measures should be the proper handling of misconduct in the workplace. This is an important compliance issue, and also has a direct impact on your employees and various departments. This is where mattersOut comes in: our new product is a simple, secure and anonymous communication channel that allows you to give your employees a voice and take care of reporting such incidents.

What happens in your company when misconduct occurs? 

Most often, it is the employees who are affected by misconduct and do not know what to do or how to report such an incident. That's why it's important to listen to your employees and let them have their say. Encouraging them to act as whistleblowers not only helps uncover misconduct, but also enhances your culture, builds trust and transparency in your company, and ensures that you are acting in accordance with the EU Whistleblowing Directive.

Implementation of the EU Whistleblowing Directive

‍The directive already came into force in the EU at the end of 2021. In July 2022, a draft law on this was launched in Germany, which will probably be converted into German law at the end of 2022 or beginning of 2023. The directive affects all companies and organizations with 50 or more employees and was introduced to establish a uniform standard and minimum protection for whistleblowers in Europe. For this purpose, you should first set up an anonymous reporting channel that can be integrated into your company as part of a whistleblower protection system such as mattersOut.

mattersOut: Many advantages for your company

But MattersOut is much more than just a digital compliance procedure for adhering to legal standards. There are many advantages for your company, including: 

  • The possibility to detect/identify grievances at an early stage
  • Minimize financial risks due to possible fraud or legal cases
  • Protection of your company's reputation
  • Strengthening your corporate culture
  • The verification of providers who share data outside the EU

In order to take advantage of all these benefits, you need extensive communication - and this is exactly what we offer you with our product.

Maybe you have heard of a Speak-Up or Awareness platform in this context. While these are more commonly associated with human resources and the term whistleblowing comes from the compliance world, they all have the same intention: to empower employees and expose wrongdoing. MattersOut is a unique solution that bridges these two areas, providing a comprehensive platform that addresses both needs.

This is how mattersOut works

With mattersOut, reporting and handling incidents becomes easy. Those affected are given the opportunity to: 

  • Report incidents safely, without any hurdles and 100% anonymously
  • Report incidents in only 3 steps, for which no login is required

Additionally, the designated person of trust within the company will be able to:

  • Notice grievances earlier
  • Handle incidents securely
  • Promote company values

As experts in data protection, we understand exactly what secure communication means - anonymity of those concerned is our top priority!

Demonstrate to your employees that their voice counts, thus positioning yourself as a trustworthy employer. With mattersOut, you can be confident that your employees are safe and that your company values and culture are being promoted, while at the same time being compliant with the law and properly implementing the EU Directive. By empowering your employees as whistleblowers, you foster a culture of trust and transparency within your organization. MattersOut enables your employees to speak up confidently, knowing they are protected and supported. This strengthens the bond of trust between you and your employees, leading to a more open and accountable work environment.

Learn more here: mattersOut by heyData or contact us directly via Email.

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