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The data protection newsletter by heyData regularly provides all subscribers with the latest developments in data protection. Our magazine is carefully curated by our legal experts, who consolidate the expertise and experience of our data protection officers to provide concise summaries of relevant information on various topics.

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Data Protection Newsletter

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Get the latest data protection updates on GDPR, cybersecurity, and relevant topics from our experts.

  • Studies, success stories, political influence on data protection
  • Expert updates: GDPR, cybersecurity, data protection topics
  • Court rulings, information from data protection authorities
Current Data Protection Updates


Articles and explanations by data protection experts

  • Articles by data protection lawyers and experts
  • Up-to-date information on key topics in data protection
  • Consideration of technological changes and their impact on data protection
Expert Contributions and Articles


Events and resources related to data protection

  • Exclusive access to webinars and conferences on data protection
  • Learning from industry experts and networking with professionals
  • Downloads of resources and tools, such as GDPR website audits, templates, whitepapers, and special offers
Events and Resources


Relevant sources for our Privacy Newsletter

Our content is based on trusted and current sources. We rely on the latest case law and reports from data protection authorities in various European countries. We also incorporate information from official data protection organizations. Furthermore, our content is enriched by the experiences of our data protection consultants, who have gathered insights from previous projects with our clients.

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Stay up to data - heyData Magazin

Partnership Spotlight: torq.people

Partnership Spotlight: torq.people

Welcome to our Partnership Spotlight section, where we introduce some of our outstanding partners – today’s spotlight is on the company torq.people.

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Big data, bigger responsibility: Data Protection

Big data, bigger responsibility: Data protection in the digital age

At a time when data plays an increasingly important role in businesses, it is more vital than ever to ensure that this data is collected and processed securely and responsibly. This is especially true in the age of Big Data, where companies are collecting, storing, and using more data than ever before.

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Einwilligungserklärung Muster heyData Magazin

Consent form templates: Here’s what you need to look out for

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has brought the topic of data protection into focus and caused many companies to review their data protection processes. An important aspect of this is the recording and management of declarations of consent from customers and employees.

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